Gate of the Sun
Between the Mountain and the River
Day 1: 10th Sep
Session 1(90mins: 10:30-12:00)
Title: Now is the Only Place Where Things Can Actually Happen
Santiago Zabala with Martin Woessner
Session 2(60mins: 14:00-15:00)
Title: Beyond the Biennale: The Shifting Peripheries of The Grand Narrative
Damian Christinger, Bala Starr, Wang Chunchen and Li Zhenhua
Session 3(100mins: 15:35-17:15)
Staying with the Trouble: Transformative Visual Cultures, Speculative Storytelling, & Manifestos of Response-ability in the Anthropocene
Heather Davis, Lissette Olivares, Craig Yee and Maya Kovskya
Day 2: 11th Sep
Session 4(95mins: 10:30-12:05)
Title: What Will You Do With the Gift of The Rest of YourLeft Life?
Boedi Wadjaja, Shuruq Harb, Mary Ellen Carroll, David Kaiza and Manoj Nair
Session 5(45mins: 14:00-15:35)
Pro/Found: Art as Obscure Objects Picked Up Randomly and Life as Discarding Things Precisely
Andrew Miller, Tim Silver with Dave Allen
Session 6 (30mins: 15:35-16:05)
Title: Artifacts as Accessories/Cultural Appropriation or Accidental Racism
Lisa Reihana
Session 7(100mins: 16:35-18:15)
Title: Nakbah to Naqash: Catatstrophe to Creation!
ShaheenMerali with Tavares Stracham, Jeanno Gaussi and RiyasKomu
'Critical Membrane' project was a part of ecological cultural theorist and curator Maya Kovskaya's presentation and a panel discussion on the 'provocations of the Anthropocene' on 10th September 2016. The panel also included Heather Davis, Lissette Olivares and Craig Yee.
'Staying With The Trouble: Transformative Visual Cultures, Speculative Storytelling and Manifestos of Response-ability in the Anthropocene'.
Maya Kovskaya
Heather Davis
Craig Yee
Lissette Olivares