13.01.13 to 10.03.13

Sonia Mehra Chawla | Sunoj D. | Anita Dube | Vibha Galhotra | G R Iranna | Pooja Iranna | Reena Saini Kallat | Manjunath Kamath | Nandita Kumar | Tayeba Begum Lipi | Tanya Mehta | Gigi Scaria | Mithu Sen

Canons and boundaries of theory, concepts and art constantly evolve to integrate change; thereby improvising objects and ideas into invented realms of reality. This reality often borders on the notion of Utopia.

An idea is attributed with Utopian elements through a desired backdrop, whose possible in-attainability adds to the concept of an aura. The meaning of Utopia changes depending on: What is perfect? Who you want to be? or What you want to see? However, it is essentially supposed to be free from the demands of being realistic - existing nowhere. But, then again, as Oscar Wilde stated - "A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not even worth glancing at." There is a reality to every utopian dream, which in turn tests the bounds of reality...

While dealing with notion of Utopia, one of the primary reactions and concerns, (which is also growing globally) is ecology. The first reaction to imagining a Utopia is a conjured image of a landscape and the perfect ideology. However, while questioning this perfect ideology, the ecology could imply a super-efficient Jetson-age or go back to an integration of nature harmonised with needs, wants and desires. Where would one begin to create this Utopia? Would it be a universal translation of the Tower of Babel or challenging norms of architecture or creating a world without borders? However, then again, would there be individual constitutions to govern each Utopian citizen's Utopia or would it turn into adhocracy?

The works created by the artists invited for this exhibition explore: possibilities to create a reality; demystify a Utopian notion; explain and question the meaning of real boundaries (tangible and intangible) in various contexts and fields of society - from economics, politics and sociology to ecology, religion and beyond. These thirteen artists address the notions of space in varied constructs of understanding. It could be the invasion of private space, a reconstruction of a historic space or a highly futuristic reality. Within this construct of expression of spaces and engagement, there is the medium of time involved that behaves as preserved moments within which, Utopia is held. In this Utopian ecology, everything appears as an evolution within the spell of fantasy and grandness. The works originate from the lingering past, the gained present and an envisioned future, thereby casting a "spell" of ideas which, "spills" over into the notion of the "Utopia of Ecology".

© sonia mehra chawla